This is my big list of all of my favourite things on this trip, enjoy! Favourite Country Turkey is currently my favourite country, Istanbul if you want to be specific. I like the people, and definitely the food. One of […]
Jake’s six month check-up
This is a list of my favourite things of these first six months of our trip. Favourite Language: Czech I really liked Czech because of how easy it was to learn. The pronunciation was easy and Duolingo made it way […]
Ben’s six-month check-up
Half of a year is a lot of traveling but we still haven’t been to South America, Africa, Oceania or Antarctica (though I’m not wishing to go there). Anyway, I want to keep on traveling because we get new experiences […]
Eli’s six-month check-up
How do I feel about traveling? I want to keep on traveling until we can get a sailboat. Why do I want a sailboat? I want a sailboat because we would have a home base. And it’s tiring carrying my […]
Sri Lanka: It’s a zoo out here!
Zoos are wonderful and frustrating at the same time. It’s awesome to see all the exotic creatures – but the barriers and cages are a drag. Are they content in their enclosures? Maybe. Am I the only one who feels […]
Christmas in Cyprus
This post was (mostly) written a few weeks ago, but we got a little sidetracked with some very important educational pursuits: scuba diving, sailing, and surfing (poor us). These are some reflections on our three weeks in Cyprus, being with […]
Expectations: our experience at a foreign hospital
Yesterday we went to the hospital. Yes, a public hospital in a foreign country . . . scary, right? Not to worry – no one was sick or injured. We needed vaccinations prior to our travels in Southeast Asia. A strange […]
Christmas letter 2018
To say it’s been a big year is an understatement. One of the final sentences of last year’s letter was: “Hard to believe that our next letter will likely have to be posted on our blog and written from a […]
Leaving Istanbul with full hearts (by Lindsay)
Today, we packed up after six wonderful weeks in Istanbul. Our little neighbourhood, Kuzguncuk, has felt like home. The people have welcomed us, looked after us and opened their homes, businesses and hearts to us. To say that I am […]
The walls we build
Now that we’ve been traveling for a while we’re less excited about ticking the boxes of the typical tourist sights and more about settling in, meeting people, and living for a while in new and interesting places. But there are […]