New video – How our thoughts are evolving and plans are changing

Hard to believe that it has already been five months since we made the big decision to take a gap year and travel around the world with our four young boys.  We are now less than three months away from our planned departure and a lot has changed!

Although we still feel like we have a million things to do to get ready, we have also come a long way in wrapping our heads around the idea of long term travel as a family.  Since it had been a while since we had updated our youtube channel, Linds and I thought we would sit down in our kitchen and discuss how our plans have changed and some of the topics that seem to come up a lot when talking to friends and family like kids’ education, finances, . . . and what if this is a giant mistake!


  1. Amazing, I can’t wait to follow your adventure. I’ve made the decision to travel with my family in 5 years so will be watching and learning from your experiences. I know a few people who have sold their homes for various reasons to live a more minimalist life or to travel. None of them regret the path it took them on, and none have wanted to return to their previous lifestyles.

    1. Thanks for the comment and the vote of confidence! Yes, families who do this only seem to regret not doing it sooner or not being able to figure out a way to make it last longer 🙂

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