We can’t believe that our first blog post was exactly seven months ago and now we have less than two months until departure – holy cow!! A lot has changed from our initial ideas. Watch our latest YouTube video to […]
Matt learns how to sail (and why it’s great to learn)
We just posted a new Youtube video. This one is a little different. It’s about Matt’s week in Antigua learning how to sail for the first time. But it’s also about learning itself and why sometimes tough learning can be […]
New video – How our thoughts are evolving and plans are changing
Hard to believe that it has already been five months since we made the big decision to take a gap year and travel around the world with our four young boys. We are now less than three months away from […]
Matt’s retirement article got published!
Personal finance has been an interest of mine for years. Not day trading or finding the next Google – rather, trying to understand the real value of money, how to spend well, save well, and invest sensibly. Based on a […]
How big plans can change
When you have a big idea – one of those ideas that is big enough to shift the entire course of your life – it rarely comes out fully formed. Or maybe our little brains are just ill-equipped to accommodate […]
Our thoughts and fears
Are we crazy for planning a trip around the world with four young boys? Maybe. Is it possible to have a life well-lived without doing a few things that seem crazy at the time? I don’t think so. Still, even […]
A minimalist Christmas
It’s just after Christmas, and it’s been a while since I wrote a blog post. It’s already dark outside at 5pm, but the kids are still outside playing in the front yard that is (thankfully) full of snow. Owen, our […]
Travel More. Buy less.
This is a great Ted Talk! The decision to travel is not reckless, it’s rational.
Rethinking Retirement
The following is a post I wrote for another blog I started, but it is extremely relevant to our decision to backpack around the world for a year. Young Dave is a bright, hard-working guy who just finished high school. […]
First thoughts
Once we had decided to backpack around the world for a year with our four boys and we had gotten over our initial amazement with ourselves, the next question was when? For a variety of reasons we initially thought we […]